Ayurveda Balance

Page: Booking


I Ayurveda Balance brænder vi for at leve med naturens love og skabe et sundt liv for os selv og andre. Vi tilbyder holistiske behandlinger, som regelmæssigt modtaget kan være med til at fremme din sundhed og forebygge sygdomme. Sundhedsrejsen er en længere proces, men efter den første behandling kan du allerede mærke forandringer i dit velvære.

Hos os har du et trygt rum, hvor du kan finde plads til at trække vejret og bare være. Vi er klar til at guide dig på din vej mod velbefindende.

Vælg den behandling, der passer til dig

Når du booke en tid, skriv i kommenter feltet: Min første behandling.

What you need to know BEFORE and AFTER your treatment


Do not eat 2-3 hours before the massage/treatment. Bring clothes that can tolerate a bit of oil on them if it is an oil massage/treatment, as well as a warm hat, head towel or scarf for your head. You will be laying on a warm mat that we clean after each session. You are welcome to bring your own sheet to lay on if you prefer. We air out the room in between sessions and meditate to cleanse the energy.

Arrive at your appointment in good time at least 15 minutes before so that you are not in a hurry and can get grounded. It makes a big difference if you are rushed or enter the session in a calm state of mind and body.


In order for you to get the best possible result, it is important that your head is kept warm for the next couple of hours by covering it with something warm as your body is undergoing a detox process.

After the massage/treatment you should take it easy and if possible wrap yourself in a soft blanket and rest for 30-40 minutes with your eyes closed in silence. It is advised to heat up a hot water bottle and place one on your feet and another one on your stomach preferably with the blanket covering it to support the undergoing healing process.

When you keep your body warm, it is easier for your nervous system to relax and renew itself which in turn boosts your immune system. The healing process needs warmth.

After resting, take either a quick hot shower or a bath. When drying up pat dry with a soft terry towel and make sure you don’t rub off all of the oil, as the oil has a lot of the nourishing qualities. You do not need any lotion that day. Support this process with a cup of hot ginger tea as the final step.